After this long period of health crisis, it is Montrodat that the French Boccia team has chosen to realize its first training camp. With already impressive records, Sonia HECKEL, Rodrigue BRENEK and Samir VAN BEKEN as well as their coaches Florent BRACHET, François SCHRAEN and Thomas WALGRAEF aim even higher.
Their objective? To go all the way! “First with the POVOA Open in Portugal in July and then the TOKYO Games in August.
Najim RHEFFOULI was also among them. Even if he is not selected, he was there to prepare and “support his colleagues to help them prepare as well as possible”.
The sports director, Sophie TERNEL, has set the bar very high and is aiming for the gold medal at the next Olympics, an ambition that is totally achievable given the performance of this team.
The Euromediterranean Complex hopes to see them again very soon with this medal around their neck!